We are EOR@Efficient, Organized and Reliable!!!
TODAY – The Reality
Agriculture was, is and will always be an integral and perhaps the most significant part of the Indian Economy, especially since India is among the largest producers of horticultural and agricultural output. The reality is that much of the output has to be discarded soon after it is harvested due to the absence of temperature, controlled infrastructure to prolong its shelf life. The irony is that according to the UN’s FAO, about 40% of India’s fresh fruits and vegetables – worth an Annual $8.3 bn or so perishes before reaching to its consumers.
- Food Wastage is a Global Phenomenon…1/3 rd is Wasted Annually!!!
- In developed countries, the wasted is more at the consumer end i.e in shops and restaurants.
- Whereas in developing countries like India the wastage is at the Producers end. Achieving food security is an ongoing goal, there is a greater push to examine the factors that contribute to this waste.
- For India, large quantities of food are thrown away on a daily basis, there are still many people and communities grappling with hunger.
- The inefficiencies inherent in the food system trickle down to hit the farmer who is unable to command a fair price for his produce.
- The typical Cold chain infrastructure consists of a fleet of refrigerated trucks (reefers) and storage units along with related activities involving packaging, grading and other forms of food processing designed to extend the shelf life of perishables. Yet, it appears to be not enough to reduce this colossal wastage.
- Out of 104 million tons of perishable products only 4 million goes through some form of cold chain.
- Of the total number of cold storage facilities in the country about 60% are located in only 4 states – Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, West Bengal and Gujarat.
- Several Reasons for the Wastage are Inadequate Infrastructure, Transport Facilities, Cost, Unpredictable power supply, Locations of Cold Storages (More often, than not, due to lack of cold storage facilities near production points, produce is sold in market places located close to where the crops are harvested and critical time is lost in transportation), etc
- Cold storage Infra – Well established in segments where there is a real need for the system primarily for meat and dairy; however, when it comes to fruits and vegetables,there is no entry point for these products to enter the cold chain. As the produce is distributed in nearby markets, rather than being transported to far flung areas, this results in glut of certain produce in those local markets and a corresponding shortage of the same items in other places.
- Incorporating key elements of cold storage in food production ecosystem can help to minimize the impact of seasonality and keep prices stable and reduce wastage during the year.
- Efficient, Organized and Reliable Connectivity between the producer and its customers.
Developing a robust, interconnected and effective COLD CHAIN is integral to the solution.
As observed at a macro level this problem needs to be solved with one platform for all users and related businesses of perishable products. Imperative is the need of a connector, an enabling bridge between all stakeholders.
- Producers NOW CAN BE ASSURED of better price of their crops, while consumers will have more options.
- Less Produce Wastage - GUARANTEED
- Information Gateway to all your Cold Storage Needs…24X7 at your Service
What do we do?
We at CS4U are EOR Enabling Bridge!!!
( Read as… We at CS4U are your Enabling Bridge…Efficient, Organized and Reliable Bridge)
Our Portal is Focused on
- Connecting all the elements in the cold storage system i.e Cold Storage, Producers, Wholesalers, Transportation Companies and Food processing units and hosting them on our platform.
- Assisting the User to find reliable information about the cold chains as per his/herlocality, needs and preference.
- Hosting the most c redible and complete list in the country of all Vendors related to his Cold Storage Industry.
- Committed to Serving You…We are Efficient, Organized, Reliable.